
Untraditional Career Moves
#workingmom, stop moving around in your career the #traditional way. Start moving around in a way that is more suited to your future self. Don’t know how? We provide #strategysessions every week to help you gain the clarity on what your #nextlevel is.
What is Career Innovation?
It is taking little steps to help ensure you are still #managing your career, having a #career you enjoy, and developing the #skills that will make you relevant for the #future.
Be Your Own Evaluator
Assess you own performance. Don't wait for your annual performance review to identify how you are performing.
Be a Problem Solver
When a problem arises, create one or two ways to solve it. Be as descriptive as possible and bring it to your manager. This builds trust between you and your manager, and confidence in yourself.
Delegate Tasks
​Delegate tasks - do not be afraid to share your load with others. At home, play on the strengths of your family members to help with managing the home. At work, lean on your colleagues to support you in various assignments. And, remember, you do not have to say yes to everything given to you.
Stop Being Passive
​Passive is defined as accepting or allowing what happens or what others do without active response or resistance. #workingmom, stop being passive or allowing things happen in your #career. You must be in control of your career for you to achieve your #nextlevel (e.g. promotion, new job, training, or expanded network). 3 Top Tips to Stop Being Passive in Your Career 1) Be clear on where you want to go next 2) Take the Initiative 3) Pray, Fast, & Do the Work.
Work & Life Balance Tip:
Invest in Relationships
Time is not always on your side #workingmom, but it’s vital to have relationships with others who can support you when you need it. Make the time for fulfilling relationships so you can show up better as the best you!
Be Ready to Learn
Remain coach-able on your job. When you are open to feedback, you can learn from your experiences.
Create a Work & Life Balance Plan
Create and stick to the work & life balance plan you created.
5 Ways to be Creative
​As a #workingmom, you have the permission to be more #creative in your #career. 5 Ways to be Creative in your Career 1) Be consistently inspired 2) Take Risks 3) Think Outside of the Box 4) Go Out of your Comfort Zone 5) Make it a Routine to Think Differently.
Work & Life Balance Tip:
Give Yourself Grace
Give Yourself Grace, often! As a #workingmom, you have to give yourself more #compassion than you have been doing. Remember, you are not perfect, and you live in a very imperfect world. You can not expect perfection from anyone or anything, including yourself. Give yourself #grace!
Work & Life Balance Tip:
Set Boundaries
​Set your boundaries and communicate them as often as you should. Check out Season 5, Episode 58 of The Latika Vines Show where our guest shares how you can Set Boundaries at Work.
Take the Initiatives
Don't allow fear and doubt to block you from your greatness. Show up to the meeting with your ideas, projects, and new business opportunities. Research industry trends as data to defend your ideas.
Check out additional career tips:

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